Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), the Father of Homoeopathy, spoke of diseases as most generally having a non-material basis: “The material substances of which the human organism is composed... are regulated by the laws peculiar to vitality alone... in the condition of sensibility and activity necessary to the preservation of the living whole, a condition almost spiritually dynamic... Hence it is obvious that the diseases excited by the dynamic and special influence of morbific and injurious agents can be originally only dynamical (caused almost solely by a spiritual process) derangements of the vital character of our organism.” There are two

There are two major laws of cure generally recognized in homeopathy. The first is the Law of Similars, rediscovered and revitalized by Samuel Hahnemann in 1796: “We should imitate nature, which sometimes cures a chronic disease by superadding another, and employ in the (especially chronic) disease we wish to cure, that medicine which is able to produce another very similar artificial disease, and the former will be cured: similia similibus—likes [will be cured] with likes.” This is the philosophy of Similia Similibus Curentur.

The second major known homeopathic law, the Law of Direction of Cure, was disclosed by Constantine Hering (1800-80) and later promulgated by Kent and his school as “Hering’s Law”. Symptoms, pains and disease processes leave the patient from above downward and from within outward, or from centre to circumference.

Hering’s Law is often used in clinical practice as a “rule of thumb” to distinguish between actual cure and palliation or suppression, and thus to determine prognosis and the direction that the case is moving, for better or for worse

Homoeopathy utilizes ultra-diluted remedies made from naturally occurring plant, animal or mineral sources. No synthetic chemicals are utilised in preparation of the remedies except for mother alcohol that is the carrier for the medicines. The main factor in preparing effective remedies is “succussion” a technique of rapidly impacting the container against a hard surface like a rubber block and making further dilutions. Most homeopathic remedies are in a super-Avogadro dilution, that is above 10-23. Avogadro number or 1023 is the limit of detectable molecules in solution. The lowest homoeopathic potency 12C coincides with 10-24. The workings of such “non-material” dilutions is ascribed to Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) as per recent research.

Since the remedies do not have any material substance at all, one does not encounter any side effects in this system of medicine. On the contrary, past suppressed symptoms due to other medicines may come up during the course of therapy, which is termed as homeopathic aggravation. This is most often very mild and not life threatening at all.

During the process of homoeopathic therapy, the patient is asked to avoid coffee, since it is known to antidote the remedy.Other substances that are known to antidote or halt healing are steroids and antibiotics.

Various potency scales of homeopathic remedies like X (Decimal), C (Centesimal) or LM (Millesimal) are used in therapeutics.

Homoeopathy is a highly personalised medicine and the choice of the remedy depends entirely on total evaluation of the physical, mental and emotional aspects of the patient. A cure or healing is considered complete when the patient experiences freedom from pain and discomfort (Physical plane), freedom from binding passion (Emotional plane) and demonstrates creativity (Mental plane).

Homoeopathy is a medical approach that can help heal the patient from within and remove the disease from the root. This indeed is a holistic healing approach.